We are excited that you have chosen to make Lafayette Choir a part of your high school experience! Because we were unable to hold a meeting this spring, we want to invite you to our Fall parent meeting and share some important information with you here.

We need all of our families to be involved this year! Please plan to help when you are able. It takes a lot of volunteers to continue the outstanding opportunities that are a part of the Lafayette Choir Tradition! We ask every family to help with at least one event this year.
We are especially in need of a volunteer coordinator to share volunteer opportunities and oversee the signups. We have the tools ready for you! We also have additional spots on the booster board. If either of these sound like a fit for you, please reach out to Laura Nevels or Karen Walker.
We have lots of opportunities you can sign up for now and there will be more throughout the year. signup.com/go/KCkLLob

Our first major fundraiser of the year is our Annual Sponsorship Campaign. This is a great opportunity for our community to show their support of Lafayette Choir. We ask that every student sell $60 worth of sponsorships.
Shareable Sponsorship Packet

CutTime is our choir management platform provided by Chorus Boosters. Please submit your information on this Google Form so that we can set up your CutTime account before Attire Fittings. www.lafayettechoir.org/cuttime-registration

All students in choir are fitted for performance attire provided by the Chorus Boosters. Fitting times will be in the choir room on August 6, 7, & 12. More details to come.
Look for more information in our welcome back newsletter at the end of July!
We can’t wait to see you at our events this year!
Ryan Marsh, Director
Laura Howard, Director
Joseph Wrightson, Director
Amanda Wells, Vocal Instructor
Karen Walker, Chorus Booster President
Laura Nevels, Choir Manager